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Sam Hea Ju - Juk Method

Updated: Mar 3, 2019

To celebrate the New Year here is a traditional recipe that is supposed to be made on the first three pig days of the year. See the introduction post for more information.

This recipe was translated from Eumshik Dimibang Ju Hea (link to naver below) with notes and tips on the recipe from Korean Liquor Lab.

First three pig days in 2019. Starting with Feb 7th.


  • Mitsool: 3 Kg mepssal, 9 Liters water, 700g nuruk, 300g wheat flour

  • Dotsool 1: 4 Kg mepssal, 12 Liters water

  • Dotsool 2: 12 Kg Mepssal

First Pig Day:

Rice Prep:

  1. Wash 3 Kg of mepssal (non-glutinous rice)

  2. Soak for 3 hours

  3. Drain for 30 minutes

  4. Grind into flour and sieve

Juk Method:

  1. Boil 9 Liters of water in a large pot

  2. Add 3 Liters of water to rice flour and mix well

  3. Add the rice/water mixture to the rest of the boiling water and continue to cook until it becomes a thick porridge

  4. Let cool and mix in nuruk and wheat flour thoroughly

  5. Add to sterilized brew vessel and let ferment till the second pig day

Second Pig Day:

  • Follow the same steps as the first day but use 4kg of mepssal and 12 liters of water.

  • Also, when making the rice/water mixture before adding it to the pot the water and rice flour should be in a 1:1 mixture (4kg rice with 4 liters water).

  • When cool add to the brew vessel with the mitsool

Third Pig Day:

Rice Prep:

  1. Wash mepssal (non-glutinous rice)

  2. Soak for 3 hours

  3. Drain for 30 minutes

Godubab Method:

  1. Steam rice for 40 minutes

  2. Let rice sit in the heat for 10 minutes

  3. When cool mix into the mitsool

  4. Let ferment for about 2-3 weeks

Korean Text from Eumshik Dimibang Ju Hea (an updated version of the original text)

삼해주(三亥酒) 스무 말 빚기 정월 첫 해일(亥日)에 멥쌀 서 말을 깨끗이 씻어 가루를 낸다. (그것을) 끓인 물 아홉 사발로 죽을 만들어라. (죽이) 다 식거든 좋은 누룩 일곱 되, 밀가루 서 되를 섞어 독에 넣어 두어라.

둘째 해일(亥日)에 멥쌀 너 말을 깨끗이 씻어 가루를 낸다. (그것을) 끓인 물 열두 사발로 죽을 만들어 다 식거든 그 독에 넣어라. 셋째 해일에 멥쌀 열세 말을 깨끗이 씻어 온전히 찌되 매우 무르게 쪄라. 다 식으면 전에 만든 술을 섞어 넣어 두었다가 익거든 쓰라.

[네이버 지식백과] 삼해주 스무 말 빚기 (음식디미방 주해, 2006. 2. 28., 글누림)

My Rough Translation

Sam Hea Ju – Makes 20 Mal

On the first pig day of the new year, wash 3 mal of non-glutinous rice (mepssal) let soak and grind into flour. In 9 sabal(mal) of boiling water add rice flour to make a juk. When cool add 7 di of good nuruk and 3 di of wheat flour mix and put in a clean brew vessel.

On the second pig day of the new year, wash and grind into flour 4 mal of mepssal. In 12 mal of boiling water add rice flour make a juk. Once cool add to the brew vessel. On the third pig day of the new year, steam 13 mal of mepssal till it is very soft. Cool, add to the brew vessel, and let ferment until mature.

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